Are You Ready? Preparing for Gene and Cell Therapies Coming Down the Pipeline

Gene and cell therapies can be life changing but come with expensive price tags. As more therapies are FDA approved, payers are looking for options to control the spiraling cost of specialty pharmacy and to project future financial risk related to new therapies coming to market.

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Disclosure and Insurability

One of the crucial steps in finalizing reinsurance coverage is disclosure. When preparing a quote, the reinsurer performs a careful analysis of reinsurance claim costs and trends, including an analysis of the current year's activity. A critical assumption is the degree to which this data can be considered complete. Disclosure helps the reinsurer solidify the accuracy of this assumption.

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New Specialty Pharmacy Program for Summit Re Clients

Summit Reinsurance Services, Inc. today announced a strategic collaboration with RxResults, a pharmacy risk manager. Through this collaboration, Summit Re clients will have access to proprietary informatics, clinical expertise, and business processes to help formulate actionable insights and implement evidence-based strategic initiatives in order to manage pharmacy and specialty pharmacy spend.

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Summit Re Announces Collaboration with Deerwalk, Inc.

Summit Reinsurance Services, Inc. today announced a strategic collaboration with Deerwalk, Inc., an innovative population health management, data management, and healthcare analytics software company. Through this collaboration, Summit Re clients will have access to the most complete population health management suite in the industry. Efficient and accurate data collection, intake, enrichment, and reporting, will allow participating clients to obtain a full picture of their risk portfolio in order to make more effective management decisions.

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